Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sometimes, people say weird things

We have great stories about the people we're close to.  I think it's because we spend so much time together that we're BOUND to reach a point where something weird happens.  It's like the statistic that most auto accidents happen within 5 miles of your home.  Well, of course you're likely to get into an accident close to home - you do most of your driving there!!

I love spending time with Mark's aunt Fay.  She's a very positive person and has very insightful things to say.  But sometimes, I don't think I quite get it.

Last April, we were over at her house for lunch over Conference weekend.  She has some boxes of toys and things for her grandchildren to play with and has done a very good job of keeping her house baby-friendly.  I was in the main room playing with Carmen and she came upstairs and struck up a conversation with me.

"You know one thing you will not find in a house with a baby?" she asked.

I had a few ideas, but thought it best not to answer because she probably had something neat/cute/insightful to say.  "Um, no, what?"

She looked at me very seriously and said, "An open safety pin."


I wasn't quite sure how to react to that, so I nodded politely and let her go about her business.

How should I have responded?
You know what else you won't find in a house with a baby?  Arsenic.

I can do it, too!!

(I think we're doing pretty well, considering this is the only weird moment story I remember in all the 4 1/2 years I've known her.  LOL.  I love my family!)

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