Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm the Reject Parent

I'm sure Carmen misses me when I leave, but since I'm around her all day, I'm convinced she's obsessed with Daddy.  She wakes up in the morning and he's the first person she asks about (after asking for milk, of course).  She mopes if he leaves while we're eating breakfast.  All day long she asks me if we can go for a walk and visit Daddy at work.  ("Walk?  Daddy?")  And if we're out in the car and we happen to drive near Mark's work (which happens all the time, since he works just off AF Main Street, which is also State Street) she jumps in her car seat and goes, "Daddy?  Daddy?!"

Last week, I dropped off some lunch for Mark at work.  He was in a meeting, so Carmen wouldn't have the opportunity to hang out with him.  We walked into Mark's work and I went into his office, then I left and passed Carmen, who was still standing by the snack table.  I took her out to the car and as soon as Carmen saw we were going in the wrong direction, she started to object.  "Daddy?  DADDY!  NO!  NOOOOOOO!!!"

I texted Mark after we got out to the car, and he texted me back.  "We're taking a 10-minute break now!  I'll come out if you're still here!"  I'd actually just left the parking lot, but I turned around and re-parked so Mark could have some snuggle time with Carmen.  She really enjoyed it until the 10 minutes was over and Mark had to go back to work.

Maybe she loves Daddy more because I make her go down for naps and I take her to the doctor and give her bajillions of shots.

Today she had her 18-month checkup and she had a TON of shots.  I had skipped the chicken pox shot at her 12-month appointment, then decided she should get it, then it turns out there WERE shots she was supposed to get at 15 months, but when I called and asked they said there weren't any immunizations scheduled for her 15-month checkup so I cancelled it.  Now she's all caught up on her shots 'till she's 2!  And I decided to give her the flu shot, too.  So I held her down on the table while the two nurses went nuts on her thighs with needles.  Poor sweetheart!!

Luckily, Carter (the 3-year-old two doors down) came over a few times and invited Carmen over to play.  It was probably a good distraction.  He's such a sweet kid!  And Carmen loves Owen, Carter's 3-month-old little brother.  She saw Owen and squealed, "BABY!!!" and gave him kisses. <3 <3  YAY BABIES.


  1. I'll probably be the reject parent...

    haha she just doesn't like you because you hold her down for shots. You monster!

  2. That video usually brings me to the edge of tears. And since I'm not the crying type, that's saying something.

    Also, I can testify that when Mommy leaves, Carmen asks for her. And when I'm taking care of her for a long time, Carmen asks about Mommy.

    I do, however, love being the center of her world when I come home from work. That makes my life so much more meaningful.
