If you lack self-esteem, you probably shouldn't spend too much time with kindergartners. They notice lots of things and say just about everything on their mind. But if you do have good self-esteem, they help you laugh and smile a lot.
For example, these are a few of the things Sadie has figured out:
"You wear makeup to cover the red spots on your face!"
"Hm, you don't look like you've put your makeup on yet!"
"Your hair is usually crinkly unless you straighten it."
(She comes over at 8:45. I usually have the kids play in my room while I finish getting ready.)
"Your vacuum looks weird."
"Did you put water in this juice?"
"Wow, when we play, we make a big mess!"
"I don't want to color on both sides of the page! I want a new piece of paper!" (we've been printing out Christmas coloring pages, and today I asked her to bring back the page she had colored on so I could print on the other side. I guess we're not born eco-friendly. ;) )
"Am I allowed to use those crayons?" (We have several boxes of crayons around the house, and most of the crayons in this particular box are still pointy, so I never use the newer crayons ... she caught on to me!)
She's tons of fun to be around and talk to. There's never a dull moment, and Carmen ADORES her.
Now the biggest drama is that Sadie really likes Carmen's favorite baby doll. And by Carmen's favorite baby doll, I mean FAVORITE THING EVER IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. She carries her baby around with her everywhere, shares her sippy and food with the baby, carries around a little medicine cup and fills it with water from the cat bowl and feeds it to the baby, wraps the baby in a blanket (or a washcloth if that's all she can find) and carries her around, walks the baby around in her play stroller/car seat, asks me to put the baby's hat on 3,938,281 times a day, and wishes she could take the baby into the bath with her. I sit the baby on the counter and say the baby can watch Carmen bathe, and she seems to be okay with that.
Another random fact about bath time: we have this little toy walrus Cat gave us for Christmas last year and Carmen has re-discovered it. According to Carmen, walruses roar like dinosaurs. It's awesome.
Last night I taught Carmen the word for Octopus. "Ot-i-ps" or "oc-pus" is her rendition. She started actually playing with the octopus last night after I did it (and holding it like a baby, btw). I also tried to teach her that the octopus says "Bloop, Bloop", but that one didn't seem to catch.