Last year, my friend Cat let me borrow her DVD box set of Friends. There's an episode where Ross's son is having issues with another child in his preschool class - who just happens to be Sting's son. Phoebe gets really excited about it, and tries to pass herself off as Ross's son's guardian so she can get into Sting's apartment and meet him. His wife isn't too happy about this weirdo who isn't even related to the kid her kid is having problems with, and threatens to call the police.
"The Police? They're back together?!"
After watching this episode, I remembered how I liked some songs by The Police and tracked them down.
Fast forward several months, and I'm dancing around my parents' house to "De do do do, de da da da". I mention to Mom that I'd once forgotten how I liked songs by The Police.
She paused for a moment, listening to the song and humming along a bit.
De do do do, de da da da, is all I have to say to you ...
"You know, he doesn't sound like a very good conversationalist."
Ross can! Go get the tickets!