Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kamis vs. the Trailer Hitch

A few of our neighbors have noticed that the front end of our car, ahem, doesn't look quite as pristine as it used to.  I leave the front windows open so I've actually HEARD people talking about it.  Ha ha.  I guess I should clear things up so people don't worry about us.

A few weeks ago, I was running some errands in Provo.  I was stopped at a stop sign behind this big truck and we were both turning right.  He started going, so I looked left to figure out when I should go and let go of the brake.  I thought the guy was out of my way, but I was wrong and I nailed that truck right in the trailer hitch at 5 mph!  It's like the one comedy short that goes something like, "And then I stomached him in the knee!"

The truck was fine, everything else was fine, and he was nice enough to get off his cell phone long enough for me to come and apologize.  How embarrassing.  Feel free to mock me now.  O_o

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