Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Random update

Every time I think about blogging again, life gets crazy.  You know, like your 3-week-old has an underarm temperature of 101F and your pediatrician sends you to the ER, where you stay for 2 days.  Turns out it was just a virus, but you need to go to the ER because sometimes a fever is the only symptom of some really serious, nasty bacterial infections (such as meningitis, which has little side effects like brain damage and death.)  Glad it was only a virus, and it was kind of nice having a few days away from Carmen.  When Mark came to visit us, he told us allllllll about a funny "love poison" episode of My Little Pony he and Carmen watched.  Yes, he watched My Little Pony, and yes, he seemed to enjoy it.  It's a clever show, loved by young and old (and males and females) alike! (Pick a link, any link.)  One of my best friends regularly watches the show with her 3-year-old daughter.  Another friend doesn't even have kids, but watches the show and lets Carmen play with the ponies she owns.

What else?  A few of my friends got married, the kids have been consistently sick since the ER trip, and I am generally exhausted and miserable and looking forward to June.  But there is so much I want to write about!

Then I think, "Oh, I can't write about these things, because I need to catch up first."  Go ahead and file that under "lame excuses."  Excuses are like poop: they generally stink.  Or something like that.  So I will forget my need to blog about things in a certain order (who cares anyway?) and just write about whatever I feel like when I get the chance, chronology be darned!!

Events of the month:
Went to two weddings.
Found out one of my best friends has leukemia.
Interesting dichotomy - something beautiful and happy and something really, incredibly sucky.  No one should have to receive such news at 26.

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