Monday, April 18, 2011

You know the phrase "retarded cat" is redundant, right?

Random thoughts of the day:

A few things I love:

It's so much fun watching Carmen pick up new words and express her interests and thoughts.  Every day, we pass the Mount Timpanogos temple on our way to Sadie's school.  I've pointed it out a few times, and today on our way back Carmen pointed out the window and said, "Temple!!!  Look!"  (Sure, it was "tampoo" but still!)  It reminds me of my friend's kid who was watching Star Wars and said, "Hey, it's Moroni!" when he saw C-3PO.  Ha ha!

I also like how instead of asking to be picked up, Carmen says, "I hold you!"

Carmen loves the song "Popcorn Popping" and knows two parts: "me" in "Spring has brought me such a nice surprise" and "Soooo!" in "It wasn't really so".

This morning, we stopped at the Wal-Mart by Sadie's school before dropping her off.  Carmen recognized the direction we were going, and when we pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot, Carmen turned to Sadie and waved and said, "Bye bye, Sadie!"

I went to the gym last week and when I came back to pick Carmen up from the day care, the ladies said, "Carmen had a rough time this morning.  There was a baby crying and she really wanted to comfort it, but every time she would snuggle the baby and try to pick it up, the baby would cry even harder.  We had to tell Carmen to leave the baby alone and told her to sit away from the baby, and Carmen sat there and pouted and glared at us."  I'm sure that actually it was quite comical.

I love kids' empathy.  They are the biggest sweethearts in the world!!!

Also, our cats are hilarious.  Every time I open a closet door, Ravis comes BOUNDING across the house and DIVES into the closet.  So I shut the door on him, and a few minutes later he starts meowing.  I open the door and he's got this confused look on his face, like, "What just happened?" and he comes out of the closet.  So our cats are both retarded AND gay.

Some things I love about having a 2-year-old:
~Fewer diaper changes (looking forward to when she's ready to potty train!)
~Able to feed themselves
~Able to talk and express themselves
~HILARIOUS when they talk
~They understand you
~They are independent and can move and climb onto things and do things for themselves.  Sure, they can get into things, but exploring is so important for learning!
~I even love temper tantrums.  It gives us a chance to learn how to appropriately express emotions and deal with them.

I'm also looking forward to when Carmen gets even older.  We found a "letter" Sadie wrote in her kindergarten class, and it says, "Dear SADIE To SADIE From SADIE."  Guess what word Sadie knows how to write? ;)  It's adorable!!

The first year is pretty hard because it seems like it's all maintenance.  But then it pays off for the rest of time!!!!  Awesome awesome awesome!

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