Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Can't Get Enough Of Her

Today, I changed Carmen's diaper out in the front room because it was poopy.  Before I could finish zipping her pants back up and putting her socks back on, she picked up the wrapped up dirty diaper and said, "Trash?" offering to put it in the trash can for me.  I let her walk off towards the kitchen, and came by a minute or so later to see if she had actually thrown the diaper away instead of sitting it on the floor or something.  "Trash!" she informed me as I went back into the kitchen.  Sure enough, she had thrown the diaper into the trash can and closed the lid!

I love this age!  This is so so SO awesome!

We dropped Sadie off at school and Carmen started falling asleep in the car as usual.  "Carmen, can you try to stay up so we can go home and take a nap?  I can get you a blanket and you can sleep in your comfy bed!"  Between bouts of nose picking (ew), she nodded at me and said, "Mmm, nap, blanket!"  When we got home and I started pulling her out of her car seat, she cuddled up to me and said, "Nap.  Blanket."  It made my insides squee.

For some reason, for the past few weeks she's started waking up around 1 am crying.  She's been sleeping through the night really well for almost a year now, and it makes me wonder, "What the heck is going on?"  I've been thinking it's teething, but no molars have popped out yet.  Bah.  I've tried to ignore it, but there are nights when I don't react well to crying and need to go in there to see what can get her to stop.  Mostly that means I take her back to our room and she sleeps with us.  I mean, how can you say no to, "Mommmmmy ... daddddyy .... peeeeeease?"

I just had a random thought - maybe her waking up has something to do with the fact that she's recently stopped nursing.  After she turned about a year old, I'd just nurse her at night before bed and in the morning when we woke up, then just at night, then just when she asks if it's close to go-to-bed or wake-up time.  She's nursed probably 3 times this year, the last time being about a week ago.  I figured I was willing to let her nurse 'til she's at least 2 (a recommendation from the World Health Organization) but if she loses interest I think it's a little weird and selfish to continue trying to make your kid nurse until 2+.  Like, what, you want your WHO I-nursed-my-kid-til-2 gold star or something?  Congratulations.  Here's your sticker.  And a lollipop.

Anyway.  It's fun having snuggle time.  When Carmen comes into our room, I lay down some ground rules (laying down some ground rules for a 21-month-old? heck yes!) ... "You have to be quiet.  You have to close your eyes and try to fall asleep.  You cannot wiggle around and crawl all over us.  You cannot play.  You cannot talk.  You cannot yell at or hit me." ... and it works!  She snuggles down right between the two of us and lays still and only moves around enough to get into a comfortable position to fall asleep.

When I wake up in the morning, she's usually smooshed up against the headboard between our pillows with her butt in the air.  IT'S ADORABLE.  She also talks in her sleep (like my sister Marissa does.)

Whatever works, y'know?

I'm getting more and more excited about the idea of having another kid in 2012.  Just a few months left!  Keep your fingers crossed that things will work out well!

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