Anyway!!! Our family went up to Salt Lake this past Christmas to stay at Grandma June's house (Dad's mom). She was actually spending Christmas in Maryland with Uncle Bart, so it was kind of funny staying at Grandma's house with her not there to spend time with the OTHER side of the family. :)
We didn't find out the gender of our baby until a few days before Christmas, so Grandma June gave her usual gift of gender-neutral baby blankets. She also bought this gorgeous crocheted heart blanket (maybe I'll get a picture of it some day, but right now I'm lazy.) The most precious part of this gift, though, was the note she left behind:
(Carmen had fun coloring on it before I could take it home and scan it.)
"No need to rush ..." .... It's just so Grandma!!!
We decided to start some Christmas traditions ...
When I was little, sometimes we'd leave notes to Santa or give him cookies and milk. One year we gave him carrots and celery because he might think he's getting too fat. This year, none of us wanted to eat any cookies so we only left him a letter. It's kind of funny having a bunch of teenagers and a 2-year-old at Christmas time.
Mark started out by writing a sweet note to Santa about Carmen and how good she had been that year. Then Torrey, my 13-year-old sister, wrote a more interesting, personality-filled letter that reflects our family's twisted sense of humor. It was a whole-family effort.
None of us were sure whether or not Santa would write us back or anything, and on Christmas morning I woke up with this GREAT IDEA of how Santa could respond. So before the rest of the family got out of bed (which was late - they're teenagers and Carmen didn't know she was supposed to wake up excited at the crack of dawn) I threw together a note (er, Santa wrote a note) and left it for the family. :)
Well, we think we're pretty clever. ;)
We're trying to figure out other Christmas traditions. We're thinking although Santa comes with some presents, he won't necessarily give our kids the BIG COOL PRESENTS. We want to be the awesome ones!!! We had no idea what Santa would give Carmen this year, so we just kind of threw things together ... We gave Carmen "Rainbow Bear" before Christmas. If you press her leg, there's a recording of Mark and me singing the beginning of "Twinkle, Twinkle." It must've been a good present, because she still shows it off to her friends and announces that it sings!! Anyway, Rainbow Bear helped deliver Santa's presents - an Ariel figurine, some lip gloss, a coin bank thingy, and a pretty fan. (Ooh, fancy, I know.) .... Santa's choice in gifts had nothing to do with our non-desire to find a way to wrap them or put them in a gift bag. *shifty eyes*